April 23, 2007

Knut, Knut, Knut...

I´m starting to get sick of it. Knut here, Knut there, Knut everywhere. Hey, our zoo in Barcelona is much better. Our animals are much cuter. See for example this sweet African Hunting Dog.
Isn´t it beautiful? And still, no crowds here at our zoo cheering. No children screaming "Paco, I want to take you home!". Sometimes I don´t understand the world.

Anyway, moving is almost done. Afterwards, I guess I´ll be heading for the zoo again...

April 12, 2007

Big City

Next week, we´re finally moving back to the big city, leaving behind the shitkickers in our building in Badalona. Our new place is in Barcelona centre and although we don´t have a balcony, there´s at least a community terrace on top of the building.

By the way, Big City: if anyone happens to be at Peter Gabriel´s open air concert at Blickling Hall, Norfolk, UK on July 21, drop me a note.

Intro from the Sausage

Since editing news on my website (www.zinnendorf.com) proved to be cumbersome, I decided to switch my news section and open this blog.

The objectives are as follows: fight the climate change, eliminate poverty and save the world from deranged American presidents. Additionally, I´d just like to share some news about the tough life of a German in Barcelona.


MBA Marc